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From Michael McCall,
Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum

"Greg Garing taps a deep vein of rural American soul music and transports it to the underbelly of modern urban nightlife in all its haunted, singular, never-say-die glory. It’s the same vein enriched by Bill Monroe, Hank Williams, and Johnny Cash, and, for that matter, Robert Johnson, Leadbelly, and Howlin’ Wolf. It’s where the soul of man never dies.


Garing reached this deeply musical sacred space by apprenticing in the bands of masters such as bluegrass wildman Jimmy Martin, mountain music queen Wilma Lee Cooper, cosmic cowboy Peter Rowan, and others. He surfaced on Lower Broadway in Nashville in the 1990s,, when it was still a grimy and dangerous area to visit, and, amid Nashville’s commodification, resurrected hope for the genre from the bones of country music greats.


With an outstanding band, including renowned guitarist Kenny Vaughan, he drew crowds of celebrities, working class irregulars, and tried-and-true music lovers and helped lead a revival of Nashville’s downtown core. Now a gilded tourist attraction, packed with thousands every night, but rarely coming close to the real thing that led people to see out Garing.


Restless and road wise, Garing has rambled through big cities and musical genres, always able to draw a crowd, always able to inspire and shock audiences with music that shakes their spirit. He’s survived deadly ailments and the tentacles of the corporate music industry with all of his powers, his integrity, and his authenticity intact. He proves it every time he takes a stage."

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Website by ShineOn designs

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